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Practice using these keys - you'll be much more productive! The first to learn are marked *.

To help learn, either keep the help open on this page, or print it out and put it where you can see it.

Create & change

* <ctrl>-n for a new action.

* <ctrl>-h for a new heading.

<enter> key to edit the selected action or heading.

<ctrl>-<enter> to edit a note in an action - and then the same for a new line in the note. You can also use <shift>-<enter> once inside the note.

<ctrl>-t to edit the tags. (comma-separated)

<ctrl>-d to edit the due date.

<ctrl>-<shift>-d to edit the start date.

1-6 to change the state (left hand icon), and <ctrl>-1-5 to filter by those (top right menu).

Navigating, selecting, moving

Up and down to move between items.

<ctrl>-up and <ctrl>-down to move between headings.

<shift>-up and <shift>down to select the previous/next item.

<ctrl>-<shift>-up and <ctrl>-<shift>down to move the selected item up or down.

Cursors <left> and <right> to expand/contract a selected action, or focus/defocus a selected heading.

* <space> to toggle expansion of a action and toggle focus of a selected heading.

To defocus a heading (see the whole heading list) when the focussed heading is not selected, use <backspace>.

<ctrl>-f (or F3) to toggle the search box. Read more about searching.

<ctrl>-left and <ctrl>-right to select the next/previous tag in the tag selector at bottom

<ctrl>-<shift>-u and <ctrl>-<shift>-a to jump to the "Untagged" and the "All" tags in the tag bar.


When Tudumo is minimised to the task tray, bring it back up with *<Windows>-t. In Vista use <Windows>-<Alt>-t.

And to use the quick-add window, <Windows>-<Control>-t. These will be editable in the next version.